• 保險是一種特殊的商品,具有虛擬屬性和金融屬性,或者是一種需要長期跟蹤服務的商品。現在保險種類很多,保險公司也很多。如果普通人想買危疾保險,我們向誰買?一般人的邏輯是去瞭解一下身邊有沒有保險代理人,因為他們相互認識,信任度比較高。社區是一種基於微信群的新型商業生態,通過它我們可以加深相互聯繫,輸出價值,培養信任。保險從業者有沒有想過將保險和社區嫁接在一起是否會更有商業價值?通過建立保險社區矩陣,將不同保險需求的人聚集在一起,不斷輸出自己的職業價值,讓社區的人認可你,認可你的職業,認可你的人格。很明顯,在獲得他人的信任後,更容易銷售他們的保險產品。




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  • The cost of producing any good or service is a key determinant of the value that it provides to consumers.  A business that can produce the same good at lower cost will be able to sell the good at lower prices, which allows consumers to purchase more of the good and to save more or spend more of their money on other goods and services.  This is true as well in the context of producing banking services – such as business loans, auto loans, and checking accounts.  While most people may not think of banking services as being “produced” in the same way that they think of, say, cars being produced, banking services are indeed produced from a combination of several key inputs such as physical capital, human capital, technology, and borrowed funds.  Banks that can produce these services at lower cost can pass some of these savings onto businesses and households while using less of the economy’s valuable resources financial system.

    A fundamental economic concept that relates the size of a firm to the cost of production is the concept of scale economies.  Firms exhibit increasing returns to scale when an increase in the size of the firm results in a decrease in the per unit cost of production.  As a specific example, a bank that can make 1,000 loans at a cost of $100 per loan and also is able to scale up its business and make 1,100 loans at a cost of $95 per loan exhibits increasing returns to scale.  Put differently, the bank can increase its loan output by 10 percent (100 loans) while only sustaining a 4.5 percent ($4,500) increase in costs.  In addition to increasing returns to scale, a firm may also exhibit constant returns to scale in which per unit costs neither rise nor fall as the firm grows or decreasing returns to scale in which per unit costs rise as the firm grows construction syste.

    There is good reason to think that the banking industry may exhibit increasing returns to scale.  Information technology is a key input into the production of banking services.  Loans and other banking services are increasingly produced by organizing, cataloging, and analyzing data with information technology.  The past thirty years have seen enormous improvements in our ability to process, manage, and analyze large amounts of data while at the same time technology costs have plummeted.  As shown in Figure 1, between December of 1997 and August of 2015, the price index for personal computers decreased by 96 percent while the price index for software declined by 64 percent vhis.  As managing more data becomes less costly, holding other expenses constant, a bank can increase the scale of its lending activities significantly without incurring a large increase in costs.  The potential presence of returns to scale in the banking industry is important because it has important implications for policies that would limit the size of banks.  Accordingly, it is important to understand the nature of scale returns in the banking industry.

    A number of recent research papers have explored the empirical evidence for increasing returns to scale in the banking industry and find significant economies of scale.  Mester and Hughes (2013) analyze a sample of several thousand U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs) in 2003, 2007, and 2010.  These authors find that, overall, a 10 percent increase in banking sector output only results in an 8 percent increase in costs.  What’s more, these authors examine the case for increasing returns to scale across banks of varying size and find that the largest banks exhibit the largest returns to scale.  Using data from 2010, they find that banks with total assets in excess of $100 billion experience only a 7 percent increase in cost in response to a 10 percent increase in output.

    A more recent paper by Wheelock and Wilson (2017) also examines the evidence for scale economies in banking using more recent data from 2015.  They also find significant evidence in favor of increasing returns to scale in the banking sector.  Also, like Mester and Hughes (2013), these authors find that the evidence in favor of increasing returns to scale is most compelling for the largest banks in their sample.  Taken together, these studies suggest that increasing returns to scale is a consistent and robust feature of the banking industry and that these effects are largest among larger banks.

    Finally, a related research paper by Kovner, Vickery, and Zhu (2014) examines how certain banking costs change with the size of U.S. BHCs over the 2003-2012 period.  More specifically, they examine noninterest expenses, which includes all bank costs except the cost of borrowed funds.  These costs include but are not limited to the costs of compensation, information technology, and legal services.

    These authors also find that costs relative to bank size decline as bank size increases.  According to the authors’ estimates, for an average-sized bank in 2017, increasing its total assets by an additional 10 percent would reduce noninterest expenses by roughly $6 million per year relative to a base case in which there is no relationship between bank size and expenses.  These authors also document how increasing size would affect various components of noninterest expense.  Table 1 displays the estimated annual reduction in cost relative to a base case in which cost and size are unrelated, for total noninterest expense and five other cost categories resulting from a 10 percent increase in the size of the average BHC in 2017 (i.e., $30 billion).  As shown in the table, a 10 percent increase in the size of the average BHC would reduce compensation costs by roughly $3.4 million per year and information technology costs by roughly $300,000 per year relative to the base case.  These authors also find some evidence that the identified scale economies are even larger for the largest banks.

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  • 混合型皮膚分為混合型偏幹性皮膚和混合型偏油性皮膚。所謂混合性偏幹皮膚就是指兩頰偏幹,會有緊繃感的膚質,通常眼睛周圍有幹紋;混合性偏油則是指中間T區較油,毛孔粗大,兩頰出油不多,也不緊繃的膚質。混合性研究皮膚問題並不是一個固定的,它有自己可能因為隨著不同季節、年齡的變化的而變化,有可能妹紙們夏天的時候是混合性偏油皮膚,冬天的時候卻變成了一種混合性偏幹了。所以,用不同的護膚混合性皮膚的皮膚妹紙要做到在每個季節!混皮妹紙用於護膚不是很頭疼嗎?面部皮膚控油的一些地區,一些地方不得不支付。為了滿足這么多的要求的情況下,如何洗臉護理?不造的話,跟著一起來了解下混合性皮膚的正確洗臉方法吧!get住這項技能,你也能變得美美噠哦!


    混合性研究皮膚問題由於其具有“幹、油”兩種膚質的特點,所以在自己洗臉時就要求妹紙們要注意學生針對企業不同作用部位來選用潔面護膚品啦! 因為如果油性皮膚專用洗面奶用於幹性皮膚,可能是幹性皮膚出現比較幹燥,而幹性皮膚專用洗面奶用於油性皮膚的同時也容易洗不幹淨的皮膚油。因此,妹紙們在清潔臉部的時候我們要注意進行分區管理護理啦!那么,具體的洗臉方法是怎么樣的呢?

    聖誕節也是開始抗皺精華推薦的好時機!今年聖誕節,TONYMOLY HK推出了一款超高CP的聖誕禮盒裝,尤其是抗皺精華套裝。不僅包裝精美,產品質量也很好,所以產品的外包裝很好。






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  • pp棉,什么枕頭填充物,事實上,當我們接觸枕頭時,你可以告訴這些枕頭填充物肯定。 先小介紹第一種枕頭填充物是pp棉。那么當我們在選購產品這類抱枕的時候,要怎么進行辨別企業裏面的填充物是pp棉呢?就目前的市場來看,pp棉是最為常見的一種抱枕填充物。形狀不定,而且pp棉本身的手感就比較順滑。我們在選擇的時候主要還是看pp面的色澤。一般白色的pp棉質量比較好。而那些灰色的pp棉一般都是幾次三番回收之後做成的。


    珍珠棉,對枕頭填充物的鑒定是什么方法,除了手摸,其實用眼睛也基本能對什么枕頭填充物。首先小編要為大家介紹的類抱枕填充物就是pp棉。其實相比pp棉不少朋友會選擇珍珠棉的原因就是因為珍珠棉是呈珍珠顆粒狀不容易板結而且珍珠棉的彈性也比較好。當我們在辨別珍珠棉質量的時候,填充用珍珠棉生產,主要就是看珍珠棉的顏色和蓬松度。一般珍珠棉材質的抱枕比pp棉使用得要久一些。抱枕填充物是什么之:蠶絲下腳料 關於抱枕填充物是什么,有一類叫做蠶絲下腳料的填充物可謂是抱枕填充物裏面的高檔產品。一般可以使用蠶絲下腳料作為填充物的抱枕都是通過造型企業比較硬挺的抱枕。

    很多學生朋友在選購抱枕的時候,其實我們關注企業過多時間還是抱枕的形狀和款式圖案等等。什么枕頭填充物經常是消費者忽略的問題。為什么需要我們要關注抱枕填充物或者是什么呢?這是因為不同的枕頭餡料,由於材料的不同的特性,無論是舒適性或使用時間將受到限制。抱枕填充物是什么之:泡沫顆粒 當大家商場或是專賣店遇到有一類抱枕摸上去裏面呈小顆粒狀,並且也比較有彈性。你知道這些枕頭填充物是什么嗎?其實對於這類材質的抱枕也是我們大家可以見得比較多的。但是我國關於這類抱枕填充物是什么原因可能我們大家真的不是很了解。其實這種抱枕芯填充物就是泡沫顆粒。只有這樣枕顆粒的價格一般比較昂貴。並用泡沫作為填料顆粒通常難以直立枕頭,這是它的缺點之一。







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  • 無繩電熨斗的原理。無繩電熨斗由兩部分組成:熨斗主體和熨斗座。在熨斗主體的後端,提供了一個高度低於其底面的電源觸點。在熨斗座的內腔中,熨斗主體放置在熨斗座上。可以在加載後將電源下觸點連接到電源上觸點,並且可以將電源下觸點從外部連接到電源。當熨斗熨燙衣服時,將熨斗主體與電源分開,避免了觸電的危險,安全可靠,不需要拖拽電源線,使用方便。

    有唔少旅遊達人都大讚呢個手提蒸氣熨斗 好用,因為「細」都係佢嘅賣點嚟!佢嘅機身只有118 × 81 × 97mm咁大,重450克,帶去旅行非常方便,仲可以用嚟消毒酒店床單!










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